CS2141 Style Guidelines


Each file and routine needs to begin with a block of comments. The goal of these blocks is to allow another programmer who is not familiar with your code to understand the purpose of your program.

File headers

Each file in the program must start with a header that includes:

PLEASE put your names in each file.

// The name of this file
// Documentation, "Pointers" to where this file is discussed in
// external documentation, if at all.
// Your name
// CS2141 Your Section
// Program name
// History - Include comments here about when different aspect
// of this file were completed, changed, ...

Notice that there are comment seperators that use this char, *, to separate a block of comments. Each seperator must of the same length.

Function headers

Each function needs to begin with a header that includes:

// Foo
// Describe this function
// List any parameters
// List any return values
void Foo (){

Class headers

Similarly, each class should begin with a header that describes what the class is for, and class methods and data members generally should have some short description, either in the header block or in the class definition itself:

// class Cow
// Describe this class
class Cow

Cow( ); // Default constructor

void eatHay( int amount ); // This cow eats the given amount of hay
void moo( ); // This cow moos.


int age; // Age of this cow