Exercise II

Due on Friday, October 30, 2020 at 11:59pm

Problem Statement

Now you have finished your first exercise. Let us do a simple validation. Refer to 04-Validation.pdf for the details. For this validation process, the Domain Situation and Algorithm components are not needed. As a result, what you should do is validating Data/Task Abstraction and Visual Encoding/Interaction Idiom.

Here is a list you can do for a simple and straightforward validation.

My Expectations

The following is a list of my expectations:


  1. Each one of you build a web page to present your work.
  2. Also prepare a set of slides in case you may be picked for presentation.
  3. Send me the link to your work by e-mail before the due date and time. Make sure you will set the permission of each file used in your report properly. If I cannot access to your report, I cannot grade your work and, as a result, you get a zero.
  4. The subject line of your e-mail should be as follows:

    [CS5631] Exercise II Submisson (Your Full Name)
  5. I will e-mail you my comments and your grade.


My grading policy is very simple. A few key points are listed below:

I will assign EXCELLENT, GOOD, FAIR and FAIL to your work. Your grade will be sent to you by e-mail with my comments.