- News -
Seminar Fracas (9/5/06)
Yes, it's true. The very first Friday seminar has been scheduled...
for 3pm on K-Day!!!. Now, as much as we all want to honor the K
in K-day, we're going to have to wait until after 4. On the bright
side, your hard-working CSGSO representatives have been assured that
the scheduling glitch was a mistake and that in the future, a serious
attempt will be made to respect school holidays with respect to seminars.
On the other hand, the graduate faculty have expressed a desire for our
understanding that the Friday seminar series is in place for our benefit
and should be viewed as an opportunity for us to expand our horizons and
further our understanding of the field (something we have a responsibility to do),
so let's try to hold up our end too, shall we?
See you on Friday!
First Game Night (9/4/06)
Thanks to everyone who swung by (including some chemistry students!)
for the first game night of the year. We had a good turn-out despite
it being Labor Day. Our new grad students came through with some
new games... And we all learned that "Icehouse" isn't just the name
of a cheap beer!
- It's a New School Year! -
Shovelling Party
I think I speak for everyone when I say we had
a great time helping Mingsong shovel his
car out! It's amazing what a few months of
snowplow debris can create. A plow truck
would have hurt itself on this stuff! Check
out the pictures!
Olympic Grad Social
Friday (Feb 24th) at 5:00pm, join us
in the faculty lounge for some pizza,
fun and games. We'll see which country
gets the most gold medals for Texas
Hold 'em!
Winter Carnival is in full swing and we honored the
tradition with a late-night party Wednsday evening! If
you've never heard of the board game "Robo Rally", come
to the next CS grad game night and check it out...
It's the perfect game
for programmers!
Also, don't be surprised if you see
stalking the halls next week with his digital camera. We're
trying to get pictures of everyone for the
people page.
Our next CS Grad social night will be this Friday,
the 27th, starting
at 5pm in Rekhi G09 (aka the dungeon). Tear yourself away from
your work for a while and learn how rowdy a crowd we
can be when Mountain Dew and Monopoly collide!
The website is up and running! Check it out and let us know
what you think. Contact any of the
council members for complaints, compliments
or suggestions.
Join in a CSGSO council meeting... we meet on
Tuesdays at 12:30 in the grad lab on the 2nd floor!